Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

School Counselor Interview Paper

School Counselor Interview Paper

Q If you are in the School Counseling program, then following these directions for completing the Interview Report. Early in the course, arrange for a face-to-face interview with a certified school counselor on your campus. This person potentially will be your Site Supervisor in your program of study when you enter the field experience portion of your coursework. Therefore, you should be accommodating and respectful of the time that she/he spends with you. If you have any questions about the credentials of your interviewee, then be sure to discuss them with your professor early in the course. This assignment should be an APA formatted word document between eight and ten pages (not including the cover page and reference page). When you are done with your Interview Report, click on the link above title "Interview Report: School Counseling" to submit your paper for grading.

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George I. Sanchez Charter School North is one the two schools located in George I. Sanchez District. The school falls under the AAMA (Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans) organization, which has been around for over 50 years to help Latinos with wrap-around services such as workforce, GED programs, drug rehab programs and more (AAMA, 2021a). The Title 1 school serves grades sixth thru 12th and is located on the Northeast side of Houston. G.I.S North currently has 300 students enrolled of which 98% are Hispanic, 1% African American and 1% White. G.I.S North last overall report card rating was a C but overall met alternative standard (2019-2020 School Report Card, 2020).